**Device** ========== In order to modify, add, delete or do anything else with the data inside buckets, it is necessary to use the device function. ======== Instance ======== **Parameters:** | **token**: str | Device Token | *Optional* **region**: Regions: "usa-1" or "env" | Region is a optional parameter .. code-block:: :caption: **Example:** from tagoio_sdk import Device myDevice = Device({"token": "my_device_token", "region": "usa-1"}) ==== info ==== Get information about the current device. .. code-block:: :caption: **Example:** from tagoio_sdk import Device myDevice = Device({ "token": "my_device_token" }) result = myDevice.info() ======== sendData ======== Send data to device. **Parameters:** | **data**: :ref:`Data` or list[:ref:`Data`] | An array or one object with data to be send to TagoIO using device token .. code-block:: :caption: **Example:** from tagoio_sdk import Device myDevice = Device({ "token": "my_device_token" }) result = myDevice.sendData({ "variable": "temperature", "unit": "F", "value": 55, "time": "2015-11-03 13:44:33", "location": { "lat": 42.2974279, "lng": -85.628292 }, }) ======= getData ======= Get data from TagoIO Device. **Parameters:** | **queryParams**: :ref:`DataQuery` | Object with query params .. code-block:: :caption: **Example:** from tagoio_sdk import Device myDevice = Device({ "token": "my_device_token" }) result = myDevice.getData({ "query": "last_item", "variable": "humidity", }) ======== editData ======== Edit data in a Mutable-type device. **Parameters:** | **data**: :ref:`Data` or list[:ref:`Data`] | Array or object with the data to be edited, each object with the data's ID. .. code-block:: :caption: **Example:** from tagoio_sdk import Device myDevice = Device({"token": "my_device_token"}) result = myDevice.editData( { "id": "id_of_the_data_item", "value": "123", "time": "2022-04-01 12:34:56", "location": {"lat": 42.2974279, "lng": -85.628292}, } ) ========== deleteData ========== Delete data from device. **Parameters:** | **queryParams**: :ref:`DataQuery` | Object with query params | If not pass any query param, it will delete the last item .. code-block:: :caption: **Example:** from tagoio_sdk import Device myDevice = Device({ "token": "my_device_token" }); result = myDevice.deleteData({ "query": "last_item", "variable": "humidity", "value": 10 }); ============= getParameters ============= Get parameters from device. **Parameters:** | **onlyUnRead**: bool | set true to get only unread parameters .. code-block:: :caption: **Example:** from tagoio_sdk import Device myDevice = Device({ "token": "my_device_token" }) result = myDevice.getParameters() ================== setParameterAsRead ================== Mark parameter as read. **Parameters:** | **parameterID**: GenericID: str | Parameter identification .. code-block:: :caption: **Example:** from tagoio_sdk import Device myDevice = Device({ "token": "my_device_token" }) result = myDevice.setParameterAsRead(parameterID="parameter_id")