Run Type


ThemeOption =
“actionSchedule” or
“actionTriggerByData” or
“actionTriggerByResource” or
“actionTriggerByMQTT” or
“alertDangerBackground” or
“alertInfoBackground” or
“alertWarningBackground” or
“analysisExternal” or
“analysisInternal” or
“buttonDanger” or
“buttonDangerText” or
“buttonDefault” or
“buttonDefaultText” or
“buttonDisabled” or
“buttonDisabledText” or
“buttonIconLabel” or
“buttonPrimary” or
“buttonPrimaryText” or
“buttonSuccess” or
“buttonSuccessText” or
“buttonWarning” or
“buttonWarningText” or
“deviceInputOutput1Day” or
“deviceInputOutput3Days” or
“deviceInputOutput3Hours” or
“deviceInputOutput6Hours” or
“deviceInputOutputRest” or
“dottedBorder” or
“dropdownAccent” or
“dropdownBackground” or
“floatingSidebarTitle” or
“footerBackground” or
“formControlBorder” or
“gaugeEmpty” or
“gaugeFill” or
“gaugePrimaryText” or
“gaugeSecondaryText” or
“iconRadioSelected” or
“iconRadioSubTitle” or
“informationIcon” or
“inputBackground” or
“inputBackgroundReadOnly” or
“inputError” or
“inputForeground” or
“inputForegroundReadOnly” or
“lightBorder” or
“limitAlert” or
“link” or
“listNavColor” or
“listTitleLabel” or
“loading” or
“loginButton” or
“loginButtonText” or
“loginForeground” or
“loginForm” or
“modalContainer” or
“modalOverlay” or
“navbar” or
“navbarBetaDeveloperBorder” or
“navbarButton” or
“navbarDropdownBorder” or
“navbarDropdownOption” or
“navbarDropdownOptionBorder” or
“navbarText” or
“navDescription” or
“notificationButtonAmount” or
“notificationButtonAmountText” or
“notificationFilterBackground” or
“notificationFooter” or
“notificationItemBorder” or
“notificationItemDate” or
“notificationItemTextAccepted” or
“notificationItemUnread” or
“primary” or
“publicPageNavigationBar” or
“sidebarAccessSelected” or
“sidebarAccountSelected” or
“sidebarActionSelected” or
“sidebarAnalysisSelected” or
“sidebarBackground” or
“sidebarBillingSelected” or
“sidebarBucketSelected” or
“sidebarDashboardSelected” or
“sidebarDeviceSelected” or
“sidebarExploreSelected” or
“sidebarFileSelected” or
“sidebarForegroundIcon” or
“sidebarForegroundText” or
“sidebarHomeSelected” or
“sidebarItem” or
“sidebarRibbon” or
“sidebarRunSelected” or
“sidebarSeparator” or
“sidebarSeparatorForeground” or
“sidebarUserSelected” or
“snakeButtonOutline” or
“svgTagoFont” or
“svgTagoIOHole” or
“switchDisabledBackground” or
“switchSlider” or
“tabBackground” or
“tabLabelBorder” or
“tooltipContainer” or
“tooltipText” or
“verticalTabItem” or
“verticalTabItemBorder” or
“widgetCardBackground” or
“widgetIconsAccent” or
“widgetIconsBackground” or
“widgetIconsColor” or
“widgetIconsFooterBasic” or
“widgetIconsFooterPremium” or
“auth_bg_opacity” or
“auth_bg_src” or
“auth_bg_type” or



name: str
placeholder: str
required: bool
type: str



background_color: str
button_cancel_background_color: str
button_cancel_text_color: str
button_confirm_background_color: str
button_confirm_text_color: str
enabled: bool
ip: str
language: str
name: str
port: str
protocol: str
text_color: str
translations: Dict[str, object]



subject: str
value: str



subject: str
value: str



buffer_size: Union[int, float]
device: Union[str, None]
enabled: bool
middleware_url: str
minimum_distance: Union[int, float]
minimum_interval: Union[int, float]
target: str



authenticator: bool
sms: bool
email: bool



profile: GenericID
active: bool
name: str
sub_title: str
url: str
email_domain: Union[str, None]
signup_method: str
favicon: Union[str, None]
logo: Union[str, None]
signup_logo: Union[str, None]
signup_logo_options: object
sidebar_buttons: list[sidebar_buttons]
signup_fields: list[signup_fields]
email_templates: Dict[str, email_templates]
feature_devicewifisetup: feature_devicewifisetup
feature_geolocation: feature_geolocation
theme: ThemeOption
integration: object
sso_saml_active: bool
security: Dict[str, otp]



name: str
email: str
password**: str
timezone: str
company: Optional[str]
phone: Optional[str]
language: Optional[str]
tags: Optional[list[TagsObj]]
active: Optional[bool]



name: str
email: str
timezone: str
company: Optional[str]
phone: Optional[str]
language: Optional[str]
tags: Optional[list[TagsObj]]
active: Optional[bool]
id: GenericID
profile: GenericID
active: bool
newsletter: bool
last_login: Union[datetime, None]
created_at: datetime
updated_at: datetime
options: object
tags: list[TagsObj]



token: GenericToken
expire_date: ExpireTimeOption



expire_time: Optional[str]
Date to expire the login token.
“3 months”, “1 year”, “20 hours”
:default: “8 hours”



email: str
firstName: str
lastName: Optional[str]
phone: Optional[str]
company: Optional[str]
language: Optional[str]
timezone: Optional[str]
tags: Dict[str, str]



entity_id: str
acs_url: str
metadata: str


issuer: str



sp: sp
Information for TagoIO’s API routes to use as a Service Provider in SAML authentication flows.
idp: idp
Relevant information from the Identity Provider’s metadata after being parsed by TagoIO.
mapping: SAMLAttributeMappings
Attribute mappings for the Identity Provider’s attributes to the attributes used in TagoIO.



idp_metadata: Optional[str]
Identity Provider’s XML metadata encoded in a base 64 string.
mapping: SAMLAttributeMappings
Attribute mappings for the Identity Provider’s attributes to the attributes used in TagoIO.



status: bool
Status for the DNS record check.
When true, the DNS record is properly configured with the provided key and value.
When false, the DNS record is either not yet configured or the key exists but the
value in the DNS record does not match the value provided.
type: str
Type of the DNS record.
key: str
Key for key-value pair in the DNS record.
value: str
Value for the key-value pair the DNS record.
current_value: Optional[str]
Current value in the provider’s record for the DNS record’s key.
Only returned when the DNS record has the matching key configured.
When status is true, the value here will be the same as the one in value.
When status is false, the value here can is either stale or there was an error
copying the provided value in the DNS provider’s record.



Type for the Custom Domain response from the API, unparsed.
active: bool
Whether the custom domain is active.
This is only true when all the required DNS records are properly configured in the DNS provider.
domain: str
Configured domain for the RUN.
subdomain: str
Configured subdomain for the RUN.
email: str
Mailing address for the RUN with custom domain.
dns_ssl: CustomDomainDnsRecord
DNS record for the SSL certificate.
The information in this record needs to be configured in the DNS provider for the custom domain.
dns_page: CustomDomainDnsRecord
DNS record for the page endpoint.
The information in this record needs to be configured in the DNS provider for the custom domain.
dns_email_1: CustomDomainDnsRecord
First DNS record for the e-mail.
The information in this record needs to be configured in the DNS provider for the custom domain.
dns_email_2: CustomDomainDnsRecord
Second DNS record for the e-mail.
The information in this record needs to be configured in the DNS provider for the custom domain.
dns_email_3: CustomDomainDnsRecord
Third DNS record for the e-mail.
The information in this record needs to be configured in the DNS provider for the custom domain.
created_at: str
Timestamp (in string format) for when the custom domain was configured.



Type for the Custom Domain information in a profile’s RUN.
active: bool
Whether the custom domain is active.
This is only true when all the required DNS records are properly configured in the DNS
domain: str
Configured domain for the RUN.
subdomain: str
Configured subdomain for the RUN.
email: str
Mailing address for the RUN with custom domain.
dns_ssl: CustomDomainDnsRecord
DNS record for the SSL certificate.
The information in this record needs to be configured in the DNS provider for the custom domain.
dns_page: CustomDomainDnsRecord
DNS record for the page endpoint.
The information in this record needs to be configured in the DNS provider for the custom domain.
dns_email_1: CustomDomainDnsRecord
First DNS record for the e-mail.
The information in this record needs to be configured in the DNS provider for the custom domain.
dns_email_2: CustomDomainDnsRecord
Second DNS record for the e-mail.
The information in this record needs to be configured in the DNS provider for the custom domain.
dns_email_3: CustomDomainDnsRecord
Third DNS record for the e-mail.
The information in this record needs to be configured in the DNS provider for the custom domain.
created_at: datetime
Timestamp for when the custom domain was configured.


Type for the data required to configure a profile’s RUN Custom Domain.


domain: str
Domain for the RUN’s custom domain.
If the desired custom domain is, this will be “”.
subdomain: str
Subdomain for the RUN’s custom domain.
If the desired custom domain is, this will be “portal”.
email: str
Mailing address for the RUN with custom domain.
If the desired custom domain is, this can be either “” or “”.