**Dashboards** ============== Manage dashboards in account. ======= listDashboard ======= Retrieves a list with all dashboards from the account. **Parameters:** | **queryObj**: :ref:`Query` | Default query parameters for retrieving the list of dashboards. **Returns:** | **result**: list[:ref:`DashboardInfo`] | List of dashboard information. ======= create ======= Gets information about the dashboard **Parameters:** | **dashboardObj**: :ref:`DashboardCreateInfo` | Dashboard object ====== edit ====== Modify any property of the dashboards **Parameters:** | **dashboardID**: GenericID: str | Dashboard identification | dashboardObj: :ref:`DashboardCreateInfo` | Dashboard Object with data to be replaced ====== delete ====== Deletes an dashboard from the account **Parameters:** | **dashboardID**: GenericID: str | Dashboard identification ====== info ====== Gets information about the dashboard **Parameters:** | **dashboardID**: GenericID: str | Dashboard identification ========= duplicate ========= Duplicate the dashboard to your own account **Parameters:** | **dashboardID**: GenericID: str | Dashboard identification | dashboardObj: { "setup": Optional[any], "new_label": Optional[str] } | Dashboard Object with data of the duplicate dashboard ============ getPublicKey ============ Generate a new public token for the dashboard **Parameters:** | **dashboardID**: GenericID: str | Dashboard identification | expireTime: :ref:`ExpireTimeOption` = "never" | Time when token will expire =================== listDevicesRelated =================== Get list of devices related with dashboard **Parameters:** | **dashboardID**: GenericID: str | Dashboard identification =================== listAnalysisRelated =================== Get list of analysis related with a dashboard **Parameters:** | **dashboardID**: GenericID: str | Dashboard identification ============================= runWidgetHeaderButtonAnalysis ============================= Runs an analysis located in a widget's header button **Parameters:** | **analysisID**: GenericID: str | The id of the analysis to run | **dashboardID**: GenericID: str | Dashboard identification | **widgetID**: GenericID: str | The id of the widget that contains the header button | **scope**: Optional[any] | Data to send to the analysis